4 Things To Do If You Are Injured At Work


Workers compensation is a type of insurance policy that employers must carry to provide wage replacement and medical benefits to any employee who is injured on the job. But in order to qualify for workers compensation, it is important to closely follow protocol if you are hurt at work. If you are injured at work, take the following steps: Immediately Alert a Supervisor and File an Incidence Report When you're hurt at work, whether you think it is a serious injury or not, it is very important to tell your supervisor right away and document your injury with a formal incidence report.

31 December 2015

Three Topics To Discuss When Hiring An Auto Accident Lawyer


A serious automobile accident can change your life in the blink of an eye. In the days that follow the incident, it's wise to begin the process of vetting and eventually hiring a lawyer who specializes in auto accident cases. With this trained professional on your side, you can pursue legal action that results in a financial decision that takes care of your medical bills, personal suffering and lost work wages.

17 December 2015

3 Reasons Why Commercial Truck Accidents Should Be Handled Differently From Auto Accidents


If you have been driving for a long time, chances are good that you have been involved in some sort of wreck or fender-bender with another motorist. You might have been able to handle this situation yourself, so you might not think that it's necessarily important to hire a lawyer to help you with a commercial truck accident. However, handling a commercial truck accident is not the same thing as handling your average car accident.

9 December 2015

3 Ways To Keep Your Kitchen Remodeling Project Affordable


The average cost of a kitchen remodel project in 2015 was $19,824, but a lot of people spend much more than this amount. When you decide to remodel your kitchen, your first step should be determining a budget amount, and this could be any amount you are comfortable spending on it. If you want to make sure you stick within this budget, you may need to cut some things out of the project.

23 November 2015

Eligible For Social Security Disability? Do You Need A Private Disability Policy?


If you've recently accessed your Social Security statement and noticed you now qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits upon becoming too disabled to work, you may be wondering whether it's worthwhile to drop your existing private or employer-sponsored long-term disability (LTD) insurance policy. In some cases, these SSD payments may often be enough to partially or even completely replace your current income. However, in other situations, the payments provided by SSD may still fall far short of your financial needs.

11 November 2015

Workers' Compensation: What You Can Expect


If you are suffering from a work-related injury, you may not only be in pain, but worried about how you will provide for your family while you are out of work. An on-the-job injury likely means that your employer will pay your medical and some other expenses through workers' compensation insurance, which is available at no cost to you. Benefits can vary greatly, depending on how severe your injury may be.

29 October 2015

Fighting A Denied Workers' Compensation Claim


If you had become injured while on the job and you were denied workers' compensation benefits, you may wish to pursue fighting the rejection in an attempt to collect money you believe you deserve. Many people find their application to obtain benefits will be denied, but that they will receive benefits after proving their reasoning for needing to collect them. Here are some ways to turn around a workers' compensation claim that was rejected.

19 October 2015

3 Things That Are Hurting Your Chances For Custody


When a couple is divorcing, there is a lot of stress. There is stress over the estate, money, and lost love, but in many cases the biggest stressor is custody. A custody battle can become very messy and can be hard on everyone involved. If you are in the middle of a custody battle you might be wondering why you are having such a hard time getting the custody of your kids.

7 October 2015

5 Reasons To File Abuse Charges Against A Nursing Home


The first step to protecting a loved one in a nursing home is to take notice when something seems amiss. You need to notice life-threatening injuries and pain, even if your loved one does not tell you about them. Your next step is to follow through with filing charges or suing the nursing home in question. If any of the following events occur at your loved one's nursing home, it is time to consider that step.

24 September 2015

Your VA Claim Denial Isn't The Last Word


Being denied disability under the Veterans Affairs (VA) disability claims system can be discouraging, but a single denial isn't the end of the process. You could have missed some information or may not have had the right amount of paperwork, or maybe there was a simple mistake regarding your medical status. No matter the reason, there's no cost in putting in an appeal. As you look through your options, take the time to understand the claims system and ways that an attorney could help.

11 September 2015