4 Things To Do If You Are Injured At Work


Workers compensation is a type of insurance policy that employers must carry to provide wage replacement and medical benefits to any employee who is injured on the job. But in order to qualify for workers compensation, it is important to closely follow protocol if you are hurt at work. If you are injured at work, take the following steps:

Immediately Alert a Supervisor and File an Incidence Report

When you're hurt at work, whether you think it is a serious injury or not, it is very important to tell your supervisor right away and document your injury with a formal incidence report. This will serve as an important piece of evidence in your workers compensation case. Make sure that you get a copy of the incidence report for your records. The last thing you want to do is leave work without reporting an injury-- this may result in failure to qualify for workers comp benefits, as it may become difficult to prove that your injury actually happened at work.

Get Medical Care

If you suffer from a workplace injury, plan on getting medical care as soon as possible. Before making an appointment with a doctor, speak to your supervisor or the person in charge of benefits. Many companies stipulate that an employee must see a doctor or visit a clinic that the company is contracted with for workers compensation cases. It is essential that you see the proper health care provider if you want your workers compensation claim to be approved.

Closely Follow Your Doctor's Instructions

While you are being treated for a workplace injury, you must closely follow all of your doctor's instructions. If you don't, your employer and the workers compensation insurance company may mount a case showing that you are not getting proper medical care and are just using the injury as an excuse to be absent from work. If your doctor has ordered you to miss a certain amount of work, ask the doctor to put this order in writing and send it to your employer. Likewise, if you need to be on light duty when you return to work, this should also be documented by your doctor and submitted to your employer.

Keep Records of Everything

When you're dealing with a workers compensation case, it is in your best interest to hold on to all documents relating to your claim. Keep the original incidence report, as well as any paperwork from the doctor treating you. It is also important to document the exact amount of work you miss so you can make sure that you are properly compensated for those hours. Contact a legal firm, such as Shoap Law Offices, for more information.   


31 December 2015

My Day in Court

When I sued a product manufacturer after a disfiguring accident, I never expected to actually go to court. I assumed that the case would eventually be settled, like most personal injury cases are. To my surprise, they wouldn't budge, and we ended up having to go all the way to court. I was pretty nervous about testifying, but I had a great attorney that prepared me well, and everything went smoothly. In the end, the jury saw things my way. I realized that I probably wasn't the only person to ever experience an unexpected day in court, and that's how I got the idea to start this blog. If you're looking for tips to help you prepare or wondering what to expect when you go to court for a lawsuit, this blog contains important information for you.