Warning Signs Of Elder Abuse And What You Can Do About It


Do you have a mother or father in an elderly care facility? Or perhaps you have hired a caretaker to provide assistance for your loved one in their own home? Most assisted living staffs will provide nothing but top-notch care for your family member. But you should be aware that elder abuse is something that does sadly occur from time to time. Elder abuse is when a senior citizen is deliberately mistreated by someone who is supposed to be taking care of them. If you discover that your loved one has been subjected to something like this, you might have the ability to file for a personal injury lawsuit or even press criminal charges. Here are some warning signs that could mean an elder you know is being mistreated.

Change in Personality

If your loved one is normally a mild mannered individual, but is suddenly agitated all the time, this could mean they are being mistreated and they are acting out because they don't know what else to do. If a person who is normally outgoing suddenly becomes very withdrawn, that could also be a warning sign. Of course, a mood swing could just be attributed to old age as well, but if you do notice a major change in personality, start paying closer attention to what is going on.

Bumps and Bruises

If your loved one has strange marks on their arms or hands, this could be a sign that they are being physically restrained. Bed sores and other signs of lack of cleanliness could also be potentially warning signs. If you are concerned that your loved one is having to deal with something like this, make a visit to their facility or home without telling the caretaker first so you can get a good look at what your loved one looks like on an average day.

Potential Legal Case

Get your elder to document the abuse if they are mentally capable of doing so. You could also try installing a hidden camera in their home to find out what happens when you are not there. If you discover signs of elder abuse, remove your loved one from the facility or fire the caretaker immediately and contact a personal injury attorney. Your attorney will be able to help you navigate the road from here, including whether or not you need to go to the police. At the very least, you may be able to get your elder financial compensation for the mistreatment that he or she had to go through.

Elder abuse is a serious problem that often goes under-reported. Keep an eye on your loved one if they are being watched by a caretaker and question them if you notice a change in personality or bumps and bruises that are unexplained. If you discover that elder abuse is occurring, contact a personal injury attorney for assistance. Talk to people like those at the Law Office of Leslie S. Shaw for more information.


20 February 2015

My Day in Court

When I sued a product manufacturer after a disfiguring accident, I never expected to actually go to court. I assumed that the case would eventually be settled, like most personal injury cases are. To my surprise, they wouldn't budge, and we ended up having to go all the way to court. I was pretty nervous about testifying, but I had a great attorney that prepared me well, and everything went smoothly. In the end, the jury saw things my way. I realized that I probably wasn't the only person to ever experience an unexpected day in court, and that's how I got the idea to start this blog. If you're looking for tips to help you prepare or wondering what to expect when you go to court for a lawsuit, this blog contains important information for you.